
Green Sourcing Policy

  • To source products and services responsibly while involving environment protection in the decision making process.
  • To encourage upstream suppliers to adopt green manufacturing and green supply chain practices to have a positive impact on the environment.
  • Tomshow commitment towards prevention off pollution as well as comply with appliciable legal requirements.

Energy Policy

  • Texla Plastics and Metals(TPM) aims at providing effective solution to our customers in the filed of injection molding components.
  • We are an environmentally conscious company and firmly believe in the benefits of industrial growth with sustainable.

Water Policy

  • Texla Plastics metals (TPM) aims at providing effective solution to our customers in the field of injection molding components.
  • We are an environmentally conscious company and firmly believe in the benefits of industrial growth with sustainable growth.

Waste Management Policy

  • Reduction in solid, liquid and gaseous waste generation.
  • Reducing our process waste generation by continuously improving manufacturing process and systems.
  • Setting in place effective waste management system to monitor waste generation trends.
  • Exploring, adopting and enhancing the use of reduce, reuse and recycle - to reduce waste disposal.
  • Disposal of generated wastes in an environmentally friendly manner and complying with local laws and policies.
  • Recognizing and rewarding the efforts of our employees in waste management and/or generation reduction initiatives.

Environmental Policy

  • Texla Plastics & Metals Pvt. Ltd. (TPM) believes that healthy and safe working environment is the key to achieve business excellence.
  • Hence, we at Texla will work in harmony with the environment.